baby is your everything now? "baby washing" ," baby feedings" and "baby sleeping ".overall ,baby steal your Leisure time and sleep time, nearly two-thirds of new parents are not getting enough sleep according to a National Sleep Foundation poll.

if you miss the last good night  ,whole night rest without wake up .Thankfully, there are tips and tricks to catch up on rest.

The key to getting better sleep is knowing what to expect at every stage of the child’s development. This way, you’ll know where sleep deprivation is likely to occur, learn tips for better self-care, and find ways to squeeze in more shut-eye, so you can thoroughly enjoy your daily adventures together.

Our parent’s guide to a child’s sleep can help you and your children achieve the rest you deserve.

Before we can realize the full extent of childhood nighttime problems, we need to know how much rest our kiddos need.

Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits for kids

Help your newborn differentiate between day and night. During baby’s wakeful daytime periods, open the blinds, actively engage them while rocking, changing, and feeding; then at night, dim the lights, use a quieter voice, and do winding-down activities.

Be consistent. Put down your baby when they’re getting tired

and keep parents better sleep

  • sleep when baby sleeps. Take a 20-30 minute afternoon nap to wake up refreshed, alert, and in a better mood.
  • never nap more than 30 and less than 90 minutes. The body can fall into deep sleep, and waking from a deeper sleep too soon causes grogginess and disorientation.
  • use 90-minute naps to allow your body to go through one complete sleep cycle and improve memory, learning, and thinking.

Sleep Training 

train your infant to sleep through the night, and if they do wake up, to go back to sleep on their own.

As children get older, you need to create age-appropriate bedtime routines, try to anticipate the toddler’s delay tactics — extra trip to potty, another glass of water, another hug.

Whether your child is dealing with separation anxiety or has been unable to self-soothe, they may be up because they feel like they need mom or dad to fall asleep.

If your baby has trouble settling down, a pacifier might do the trick. In fact, research suggests that using a pacifier during sleep helps reduce the risk of SIDS.”

adapt bedtime routines to the preschool kids, They typically are more verbal, curious, and cognitively aware, so let them choose two storybooks and discuss highlights from their day.

School-aged children share many of the same sleep-related problems as infants and toddlers, but they also have a unique list of concerns of their own. As they get older, adolescents struggle to juggle a social life, school, extracurricular activities, and healthy nighttime habits.

Implement a whole house wind-down routine one hour before bed. After dinner, dim the lights and play soft music. Have a routine bedtime on school nights.

“Plan up to 1 hour of quiet time before bed… TV watching, heavy homework, or computer gaming should NOT be part of quiet time.”

Establish a Sleep-friendly Bedroom

A messy bedroom naturally calls children to come out and play. If they can see it, whether it be your toddler's choo-choo train or your teenager's Nintendo Switch, if the plaything is visible then it is a viable play option. With your child's help, clean up each night and put the toys in a secure location, like a toy chest or closet where they should not be a distraction

Though the room should be kept dark and toys not readily accessible, it is okay for a child to hold onto a security item, like a stuffed animal or blanket.

New moms experience a full range of emotions — from the exhilaration of childbirth to the loss of the carefree lifestyle they had prior to pregnancy and the onerous demands of motherhood.

One of the biggest adjustments that new parents make is to their newborn’s demanding 24/7 care of feeding, burping, changing, comforting, and loving the baby.

you will have the belowing feeling 

  • prolonged periods of irritability, lethargy, sadness, and anxiety that linger even after getting good sleep.
  • loss of appetite — especially for nursing moms who should be consuming an extra 400-500 calories a day.
  • difficulty bonding with their baby and feelings of inadequacy as a parent.
  • lack of interest in hobbies and other activities they used to enjoy (like long walks in the park or sharing books with their baby.

to discuss these emotions with doctors, friends, families, and therapists. For help and more information visit ,it will be helpful for you.